Geometric Puzzles


Henri Picciotto

My first projects as a curriculum developer came out of my interest in recreational math, especially geometric puzzles. This turned out to have a big impact, directly or indirectly, on almost all my subsequent work. Here are some links.

On this site


Geometric Puzzles in the Classroom is my main article on this topic.
Puzzles in Math Education provides a philosophical framework.
In Geometric Puzzles Unit, I suggest a sensible path through some of the below.
In Geometric Puzzles for Prospective Math Teachers, I share a subset of that.
Books (free downloads)
Tangram Puzzles
Polyomino Lessons
Pentomino Books
Supertangram books
Geometry Labs is not exactly a puzzle book, but it includes many puzzles.
Web pages, applets, blog posts, and PDFs
Tangrams home page
Tearing tangrams
Convex Tangram Polygons
Virtual Tangrams
Pentominoes home page
Pentomino Labs
Virtual Pentominoes
Squaring Pentominoes
Minimum Polyomino Cover
Inscribing Squares in Polyominoes
Supertangrams home page
Supertangram Labs
Supertangrams (blog post)
Using the Geoboard (links to many puzzles)
Pythagorean Puzzle
Map Coloring
Symmetry Handouts (mirrors, scissors, pentominoes, pattern blocks)
A puzzle approach to Geometric Construction
Polyarcs in the Classroom by Meghan Lee
Cutting Out Hearts, by Katherine Paur | Full lesson plan (on MoMath website)

Not free

Plastic supertangrams (More info.)



A recording of an online workshop on tangrams and pentominoes.

Pentomino Activities, Lessons and Puzzles a classic from the 1980's, (going out of print, but possibly still available from, item # 0884883744).

Working with Pentominoes (from It includes teacher notes and solutions, and is also available as a PDF, which makes it easy to print, duplicate, or project pages for classroom use.

Geometry Labs Drawing Template (from Useful for rep-tile explorations, tiling, and more.

Zome Geometry (from Zometool), which I co-authored with George Hart, is not exactly a puzzle book, but it includes many puzzles.
