This is a very incomplete listing of materials on this site.
Click on the triangles to expand the sections you're interested in.
Click on the triangles to expand the sections you're interested in.
- Article
- Early Mathematics
- Tools
- Pattern Blocks
- Virtual Base Ten Blocks
- Fractions
- The Well-Chosen Rectangle
- Slices
- Curriculum materials
- Geometric Puzzles
- Symmetry
- Astronomy
- (see also Algebra 1 below)
- Curriculum materials
- Middle School (many links)
- Algebra: Themes, Tools, Concepts (a whole book)
- Geometry Labs (a whole book)
- Transformational Geometry
- Geometric Puzzles (many links)
- Fractions
- Kinesthetic Activities
- Symmetry
- Astronomy
- Tools
- The Lab Gear
- The Geoboard
- Function Diagrams
- Pattern Blocks
- Applets
- Signed Numbers Arithmetic
- Sum of Angles in a Triangle
- Area of a Circle
- Rigid Motions | Dilation
Algebra 1
- Articles
- A New Algebra
- Reply to Critic
- Algebra for All?
- Tools
- The Lab Gear
- The Geoboard
- Function Diagrams
- Curriculum materials
- Algebra: Themes, Tools, Concepts (a whole book)
- Kinesthetic Activities
- Electronic Graphing
- Rate of Change
- Choosing a Cell Phone Plan
- Left or Right?
- Add Till It's Plaid (systems of linear equations)
- Completing the Square
- Articles
- Geometric Puzzles for Prospective Math Teachers
- Proof
- Tools
- The Geoboard
- Pattern Blocks
- Curriculum materials
- Geometry Labs (a whole book)
- Geometric Puzzles (many links)
- Angles
- Kinesthetic Activities
- Construction
- Transformational Geometry
- Symmetry
- Trigonometry intro
- Applets
- Sum of Angles in a Triangle
- Area of a Circle
- The Pythagorean Theorem
- Isometries | Dilation
Algebra 2
- Making Sense in Algebra 2 (many links)
- Rate of Change
- Parabolas and Quadratics
- Iterating Functions
- Sequences and Series
- Electronic Graphing
- Recognizing Functions
- Trigonometry intro
- Exponential Functions
- Letters and Postcards (linear programming intro)
- `n^(th)` Power Variation | Teachers' Guide
- Perspective (inverse variation)
- Completing the Square
- Complex Numbers
After Algebra 2
- Precalculus (many links)
- Space (a course)
- Infinity (a course)
- Conic Sections
- Function Diagrams
- Transformational Geometry
- Matrices
- Iterating Functions
- Probability (intro)
- Sine Curve